
1. The fabric Josef is using comes in 100 square-inch pieces that cost $6.25 each. What will his fabric cost? Show your work.2. a student made a toy chest for his baby sister's square building blocks. Six layers of blocks can fit in the box, and each layer has 15 blocks. How many building blocks can the toy chest hold? show your work.PLEASE HELP

Accepted Solution

Answer:The asnwers for your two question problem are1. $6252. 90 building blocksStep-by-step explanation:First problemThe fabric Josef is using comes in 100 square-inch pieces that cost $6.25 each. What will his fabric cost? * The fabric has 100 pieces * Each piece costs $6.25 Total amount for the fabric  = $6.25*100 = $625Second problemA student made a toy chest for his baby sister's square building blocks. Six layers of blocks can fit in the box, and each layer has 15 blocks. How many building blocks can the toy chest hold? * 6  layers of blocks fit in the box* Each layer has 15 blocksTotal amount of blocks = 6*15 blocks  = 90 blocks