
Triangle ABC is to be dilated through point P with a scale factor of 3. How many units away from point A along ray PA will A’ be located?

Accepted Solution

Answer:Point A' will be located 10 units away from point A along ray PAStep-by-step explanation:we haveThe scale factor is 3step 1Find out the distance PA'we know thatThe distance PA' is equal to multiply the distance PA by the scale factorso[tex]PA'=PA*3[/tex]we have[tex]PA=5\ units[/tex]substitute the given values[tex]PA'=(5)*3=15\ units[/tex]step 2Find out how many units away from point A along ray PA will A’ be locatedwe know that[tex]PA'=PA+AA'[/tex]we have[tex]PA=5\ units[/tex][tex]PA'=15\ units[/tex]substitute the given values and solve for AA'[tex]15=5+AA'[/tex][tex]AA'=15-5=10\ units[/tex]thereforePoint A' will be located 10 units away from point A along ray PA